Day 7 of my 7 days of thankfulness challenge. I am inviting C.j. McCabe, Ryan Whitehead, and Brian Bridgeman, to accept the challenge to spend the next 7 days sharing 3 things they are thankful for and also inviting 3 new people to join the challenge each day.
1. I am so very thankful for all the plants, flowers, bushes and trees God created for our pleasure. I love flowers and think it is so cool that God not only created them for our senses, but also made them useful to both man and animal. I enjoy the intricacy of God's creation, and am amazed at His perfect design in all of nature.
2. I am thankful for the internet because of the people I have been introduced to through this medium, but even more thankful for the opportunities I have had to meet lots of them in real life, been able to do buisness with some, and just become good friends with others.
3. Joshua Lee Anderson had a pretty rough time trying to make his enterence into this world. After 16 hours of labor, we called his Uncle Chris to the rescue. The cord was wrapped around his neck, and it is a true miracle he was still alive by the time Chris was called in.
He immediately did a C-section. But due to the arthritis in my spine, they had to give up trying to give me a shot, and instead put me under for the surgery.
Joshua weighed in at 9.6 pounds, and was a little over 23 inches long. He has grown into an awesome man of God. He has always been a pleasure. Never had anything but goodness come from him. He has been my pride and joy. Joshua excells at everything he does. Growing up, he was on the top in all his 4-H projects, judging contests. In performances, Kristi and Joshua won national and international first places in their dance competitions. I love it when he comes to my house and sits down to the piano. He plays so beautifully. His voice is amazing, and I love to just sit and listen to him play and sing. Joshua is beyond ambitious. He works hard as a paramedic. He makes a mother proud. He is pretty stinking handsome to boot! Here is the link to a song he recorded with his brothers when he was 12 years old. He sings the bread (red) :
Anderson, Party of 13
8 years ago
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