Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 3 of my 7 Day Thankfulness challenge.

Been pretty busy today,  but it is now time to share 3 more things I am thankful for on my 7 day challenge. I am challenging Mandy Stafford Anderson, Gloria Wullffe, and Karen Froelich Watson in the 7 day thanfulness challenge. ( Just list 3 things your are thankful for during the next 7 days)
1. Nobody is more blessed than I am when it comes to a spouse!  I got the cream of the crop!  Today,  as we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary,  I reflected on the amazing journey we have traveled together.  Lots of happenings in a 40 year period!  God has always been faithful to us, He has always provided a way. I am beyond thankful for the man God chose for me to marry!
2. I am thankful for my parents and all they did raising me, and then loving my husband as a son. Here is my story about growing up on a ranch in the foothills of Wyoming with parents who did their best to live godly lives:
3. Summer of 1979 was very hot in Grand Junction. I remember driving downtown past a bank where the sign said it was 107 degrees at 7 PM! We lived in a sweet little neighborhood that had previously been a pear Orchard.  We had 7 of those trees in our back yard. I had spent the summer landscaping the front and side yard. And it was August 20th, and my baby was a bit past due. I did a lot of walking trying to get things into motion, and after a long hot day, and being sent home once that day from hospital,  my mom and hubby insisted we return to deliver our third born at hospital.
Doctor did not get there in time, and after 28 hours of pretty serious labor, Luke Arron Anderson greeted us as his daddy caught him! Luke has been an amazing son. He has always been an awesome singer and a charmer.  And after singing in Branson and across the country,  he settled down, married our Mandy, and is raising 4 of the most awesome kids! He just baptized his two oldest a couple Sundays ago! Luke is one of those servants,  dedicating his life to saving others as a paramedic in the St Louis area. An honorable man, a sevant of God, raising disciples to serve in this troubled world. He is also a very talented carpenter. I am so very thankful to God for Luke, and proud of the man, husband, father and community servant he has become. He is really a great blessing to me!

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