Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My sheep (Some pictured above) love me. They trust me and come on the run whenever I call. They know I will feed them, provide fresh water for them and help them whenever they have a need. I am their primary care giver, their cheif shepherd. Now that we are on the road so much, grandson Isaac has been given the job of primary caregiver. They have learned to trust him, but they know and love me as their cheif shepherd.
It sorta reminds me of the text in the Bible where Jesus asks, "Do you love me?" And the response is, "You know I do,Lord" And Jesus simply says, "Feed my sheep." Isaac has to make sure their every need is taken care of. Today lets discover YAHWEH RO'I our CHEIF SHEPHERD.

Yahweh Ro'i. He is my Shepherd.
Catherine Martin in our study book said

"Yahweh Ro'i is perhaps the most personal and precious name of God ever revealed to His people." She continues in this lesson, DRAW NEAR TO YAHWEH RO'I to say, "How fitting that David, the man after God's own heart, would be given the privilege to present The Lord as our Shepherd. For who could define the beauty or tenderness of the Shepherd better than David, a man who knew the relationship of a shepherd to his sheep, having watched over his own flocks,both in the fields and as king of the people of Israel. "
There is so much in this lesson today! I just want you to soak it all in. Read Psalm 23 in its entirety. A beautiful poem. One of the most beloved ever. And so rich with the attributes of our loving Creator.
Catherine continues on to say, "David reveals to us the benefits of having The Lord as our Shepherd."
She continues, "He meets all our needs. . .
In psalm 23, David really tells us so much about God. Verse 1, Yahweh Ro'i is our Shepherd; Yahweh Jireh supplies our needs so we will not be in want.
In verse 2, Yahweh Shalom gives us peace in the green pasties and beside the still waters. In verse 3, Yahweh Rophe is our healer, restoring our soul; Yahweh Tsidkenu is our righteousness. Yahweh Nissi is our victory as He prepares a table for us in the presence  of our enemies (verse5). In verse 5 Yahweh Makaddesh is the one who sanctifies us by anointing our head with oil. Yahweh Shammah is The Lord who is there in verse 4."
Here are additional verses telling about more of the attributes of our loving Creator.

Philippians 4:19
Jeremiah 6:16
Matthew 11:29
Isaiah 48:17
Acts 3:19
Romans 5:17
Philippians 3:9
2 Corinthians 1:5
Hebrews 13:5
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 34:4
Ephesians 6:11
John 10:10
And John 3:16.
Enjoy these verses and what they reveal to you about the names of God!
Some of today's lesson comes from Trusting In The Names Of God By Catherine Martin.
the book is available at - Quiet Time Ministries www.quiettime.org  
Catherine Martin is a well-known author of christian books and devotional resources, as well as a popular speaker at christian women's conferences.

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