We have
been studying the names of God for quite some time now. Many
wonderful attributes of God. So many chapters in my life. And an
attribute for each chapter. Growing up, learning that he is Elohim;
my Creator, El Elyon, my Sovereign, and Adonai; my Lord. For those
times as Terry and I struggled financially raising seven children on
a single income in order to home school, we depended on Yahweh Jireh;
He is your Provider and I particularly depended on Yahweh Shaddai ~
He is Enough for you. It was nice to know that He was there and He
was all I needed. For that time when we were going through the cancer
with Molly, we clung to the names Yahweh Rophe ~ He is Your Healer
and Yahweh Nissi ~ He is your Victory. He did both for us, healed
Molly from stage 4 rectal cancer, and proved to be the Victory over
that horrible enemy. I know many people with an awesome faith in God
do not get to see an earthly healing of their earthly bodies, but
those folks will see an even better healing as their bodies will or
have been already made perfect as they live eternally with God. I
love the name Yahweh Mekaddesh; He Makes you Holy. I continue to
hope for that time when I can be considered a Holy person. Meanwhile
I lean on Him to become more like Him, and love that it is my desire
to be like Him; to be Holy. I love the peaceful existence I have here
on our little hobby farm, and love His name Yahweh Shalom ~ He is
your Peace, I love that feeling of not having turmoil in my inner
being. I love Peace! I particularly, because of my background raising
cattle, and now with my sheep, love Yahweh Ro'i; The Lord is my
Shepherd. But a New Testament name for God first heard as Yeshua
(Jesus) prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane ,is even more special.
I was
blessed as a child. One of my favorite memories as a small child is
of my walking hand in hand with my Daddy at the county fair. Thinking
how proud I was of my Daddy, and feeling so very special because this
man was holding my hand, and taking special care of me, I was so
proud to be his daughter. I felt safe and secure with him. I wanted
to do what ever I could to make him proud of me.
“And He was
saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this
cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.”
This name of God means simply “Daddy,
the close and special relationship a small child has to his
father, just like the one I had with my dad walking at the county
fair, being recognized as belonging to him. Daddy is one of the first
words a child learns. And we have been given the privilege through
Yeshua to call God by this most special name Daddy, Abba Father. WOW!
It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about how our Elohim
(Creator) desires for us to be in such an intimate relationship with
Him! Abba Father how special is that?
Reflect on this today. Maybe you did
not have that special relationship with an earthly dad so that you
can relate as I can, but the really cool thing is that then you still
have that privilege of knowing our Heavenly Father, Abba, Father in
that most intimate way. Cling to Him. Accept Him as your Abba,
Father. Your Daddy. He is waiting for you! He loves you like no one
else ever can or will.
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