Tuesday, March 06, 2012


In Malachi we read about what God says to the priests who have dishonored Him. Adonai is brokenhearted. We need to strive to learn from this lesson, And truly make Adonai the Lord of our lives us.
Malachi 1:6
“ ‘A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?’ says the LORD of hosts to you,. . . "

I have 7 kids, and so I know first hand how it feels when a child dishonors you through disobedience. You actually feel hurt through the actions of disobedience, feel that the act of disobedience is an act against you. Your heart is broken when something you have instilled in your child has been ignored, or blatantly disavowed. How much our Lord must feel this sadness when we choose to disavow His authority, leadership, and rule in our lives. Daniel had a wonderful "Adonai" ~ Lord and servant ~ relationship with God. This is shown in his prayer in the book of Daniel
Daniel 9:19 "O Lord,(Adonai) hear! O Lord (Adonai), forgive! O Lord (Adonai), listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”
Catherine Martin, author of our study book, TRUSTING IN THE NAMES OF GOD shares how the slaves in the Old Testament would serve for 7 years. They were then granted their freedom. If a slave loved his master, and chose to remain his servant, the master would take him before the judge, and there the slave would receive an earring in his ear to show he was indentured for life to the master, Oh how I desire that I can be so dedicated to my Adonai! I desire to love Him so much that everyone sees the mark of Adonai on me. I want to be His servant forever, and want everyone to know it!!!! The word Baruch means blessed Watch this video as you reflect on your relationship with Adonai, the Lord of lords!!!! Baruch Adonai!

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